Many veterans face an uphill battle when they return as they figure out how they will integrate back into society. This has become the impetus for a new foundation, “Battlefields to Ballfields.’’
The Foundation will provide scholarships to veterans who return from defending our country with an opportunity to get integrated back into their community through officiating. Those who have been involved in officiating already have felt the joy of stepping out onto the field or a court. With it, comes a great sense of value that leaves one with a feeling of accomplishment.
In serving in the military, and in officiating, there’s the common bond of being a member of a team and creating order out of chaos. Battlefields to Ballfields will provide these veterans with an opportunity to hone their newfound officiating skills and participate in something that will give them a new sense of self-worth along with the ability to make some extra income. While the ultimate goal will be to get some of our returning veterans into the upper levels of officiating, including the professional ranks, they will start out at the local level working high school and youth level games. Local associations are actively recruiting because there aren’t enough officials signing up. This Foundation will put more officials and judges into the system and will greatly enhance the image of those entering the officiating ranks.
There are many ways, whether it’s applying for a scholarship, the several options to lend a helping a hand, or be it donating to the cause.
Are you veteran who is interesting in becoming an official? It doesn’t matter which sport you would like to participate in, you have come to the right place. Fill out an application to get started.
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If you would like to help provide veterans with an opportunity to integrate back into their communities when they return home through officiating, please donate by clicking the link below.